My Life Storeys and Life Stories

Friday, October 07, 2005

Friday Blues

I Was Wrong

I thought I would be very busy. A meeting that was supposed to take up the full morning ended in 30 minutes because my boss got something urgent to deliver. Then the meeting in the afternoon that was supposed to last 2 hours ended in 1 hour because I was too smart at explaining stuff.

Plane of Time

It takes extraordinary circumstances to invoke extraordinary measures. I explored many ways to kill time:

1. Use a dagger - Does not seem to work
2. Use a gun - See above
3. Surf the Internet - I run out of URLs to surf
4. Play games - I am too disciplined to do that at work
5. Smoke - A 5 minutes a stick, I am now at my last stick ...
6. Drink coffee - About 3 cups so far and I bet my shit will turn blackish ...
7. Chat with Suvena - She is drawing some stupid picture and got no time for me ...
8. Gossip - My colleague next cubicle is fasting and got no strength to talk ...
9. Archive my emails - Took me 30 minutes, so whats next??!!
10. Suck thumb - Yah, thats what I am doing now ...

Playing With Time

Then it struck me straight at the heart. If days like this come along, I should have something up my sleeve to tackle them.

1. Arrange for meetings - I am going to talk slower this time
2. Visit other colleagues - I must find some common topics to talk about
3. Start conversation on Instant Messengers - The sound of the keyboard clicking is so sweet and misleading
4. Call Suvena - I wonder what she will be drawing this time .... larvae??
5. Smoke - I need to bring a backup pack
6. Drink coffee - I think I would sip instead of drink ...
7. Bang Sai - Killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Great idea!!
8. Pack my table - Impossible to finish in a day ...
9. Sleep - I must start training to do that with my eyes wide open!
10. Suck thumb - When all else fails ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wei wei..

wat stupid picture?!?!?!?!?!

I drawing a pic to identify the work process and to charge accruate cost to my client ok.. kns

Monday, October 10, 2005 9:58:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.... do nothing oso very sian hor? :P

Monday, October 10, 2005 11:00:00 AM

Blogger Morte said...

haha annonymous is Susu, no wonder sound so upset :)

Yah finding stuff to do is extremely sian ....

Monday, October 10, 2005 5:02:00 PM


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