Discovery Channel
Shocking Relevation
I am home from mooncake shopping with Suvena, sitting in front of my computer, playing around. My nose was itching and it was irritating to say the least. I reached into my right nostril, trying to ease the tickle. The culprit was a nostril hair sticking out and poking into the wall of the tunnel. With dead precision, I grabbed and pulled! Out it came, and to my astonishment, it was an incredibly long nostril hair, like 2 centimetres in length. It kinda reminded me of Stephen Chow's comedies where he pulled from within his nose nostril hair about the length of 1 metre. Yucks!
The nose is still itching, this time I felt it was the left nostril. I reached in and felt about - there it is. It was a little deep, but it felt really thick and luxuous. A little shove of the fingers and I got a good grip on it. Out it came! Freaking hell, it was a thick and white nostril hair! Guess hair on every part of your body turns white eventually when you grow older, even those in places the sun never shine!
The nostril hair incident struck me, and it reminded me of this Indian girl in my office. She is a native North Indian, just joined my company few months ago. Her cubicle was just opposite mine. While she tries to be friendly, I really cannot be bothered much with her. Well, the thing is, she tries too hard to impress.
There was this fine day, when I was busy doing my work and she was rambling away loudly opposite me about the good night-spots in Singapore, and trying to educate the older guys in her team about the night-life. It was disgustingly disgusting! One look at her, you know she is a nerdy girl from your typical Enid Blyton book. Her dressing is not just ordinary, its like the older female executives in my company who are waiting for their retirement to come. Flowery silky blouses with thick shoulder pads, weird looking skirts, covered black leather shoes and ankle stockings - oh my goodness!!!
I was not the only one complaining. My colleagues suddenly started crowding my cubicle and cursed and swore at her. I look at her, and I got needles pricking my body. It was her hair!! She had hair that looked like pubic hair!! Everybody turned and stared at her, like it was rehearsed. They began giggling, then burst into uncontrollable laughter. It was a good 10 minutes before they got a hold of themselves.
Later that day, my colleagues came up to me and said, "Ever since you mentioned that her hair looks like pubic hair, we have never dared to look at her hair. It really looks like pubic hair, and we feel so embarassed just looking at it!"
So, it was my fault. But if your hair grew in the wrong place, its not my problem. She has to thank her lucky stars the pubic hair did not grow on her eyebrows or eyelids!
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